Reasons to Consider Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar Daily…

I drink apple cider vinegar on a daily basis. I am always an advocate for anything in its natural form that can be good for our bodies. I believe the benefits of this drink vary from person to person. It is something you should consider trying. It won’t hurt to put it in your regimen for a couple of days and see what happens. I drink about 2 teaspoons a day mixed with cranberry juice. Here is a list of the benefits of this helpful health tonic.

  1. Detoxes the body
  2. Helps with weight loss
  3. Cures sinus infections, sore throats, headaches, flu
  4. Helps with blood sugar level for diabetics
  5. Helps to lower cholesterol
  6. Known to help blood pressure and heart health
  7. Cures allergies
  8. May be able to kill cancer cells or slow their growth
  9. Clears acne, helps with other skin problems
  10. Eases arthritis, stiff joints and gout
  11. Balances your body ph, you want to have a more alkaline body, not acidic
  12. Promotes digestion

Now apple cider vinegar is highly acidic. So please make sure you dilute it with water or juice before swallowing. And as with anything, seek medical advice from your doctor prior to starting something if you are not sure how it will affect your health.


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