Some Interesting Fitness Facts…

Here are some interesting fitness facts to help inspire you. Some of them may not come as surprise, yet some may get you off that couch and get moving.

  1. Losing weight starts first in the mind. It is often said…where the mind goes the body will follow.
  2. Understand once fat cells are created, you will not be able to lose them only shrink them.
  3. Between birth and old age, you will walk about 70,000 miles.
  4. To lose a pound you need a 3500 calorie deficit.
  5. Muscle burns fat. If you have a certain amount of muscle on your body you can eat a reasonable diet without gaining weight.
  6. Interval training can help your body become a fat-burning inferno.
  7. If you can’t carry on a conversation while you are exercising, you may be training too hard.
  8. Just because an item is “organic” doesn’t mean it is always good for you.
  9. Just because an item says it is “whole grain” doesn’t mean it is always good for you.
  10. Not all skinny people are healthy.
  11. Exercise is the best stress reliever.
  12. Exercise can boost your bad mood.
  13. If your spouse is active, more than likely you will be active too.
  14. Enriching your diet with omega 3 fatty acids will boost your energy and brainpower.
  15. You are never too old to start a fitness program.
  16. The more you exercise, the more your body learns to burn fat rather than storing it.
  17. The “best time to exercise” is when it works for you.
  18. You are more likely to stick with your workout routine if you have support.
  19. You lose one-half pound of muscle every year after age of 30.  Strength training can help reverse this.
  20. You don’t need a  gym membership to strength train or BFIT (



I just want to encourage you to be consistent in your workout goals. The only way you will progress and achieve your goals is to keep working. You can not continue to start and stop a program and expect to see results. You are closer than you think and consistency is the key! Just stick with it. 

The Missing Element…

Could you be missing out on the most simple thing to assist you with your weight loss goals? That simple but yet powerful element of I am speaking of is WATER!!!

Water makes up about 75% of your body and is vital our existence. It is crucial for cellular function at every level in the body. That lovely lean muscle we work at gaining in leui of fat, is predominantly water. When the muscles are adequately hydrated, the muscles look toned and it increases your body’s ability to burn fat. This is a win-win situation here.

You must understand that weight loss can not occur unless you drink a sufficient amount of water. Drinking water throughout the day, keeps you hydrated and alert.   Make it a habit  at every meal. Sometimes, when you think you are hungry, it simply the body wanting and craving water. Water helps to suppress the appetite and blunts cravings.

Personally, I would say 99% percent of the time water is my drink of choice. I am always armed and ready with my water bottles like I am going to combat. I am serious about my water intake. I prefer to eat my calories rather than waste them away drinking some sugary liquid that is not good for me. It is a part of who I am and when I don’t have it, I know something is missing. My water bottle is never far away.

Losing weight and maintaining weight loss depends on adequate hydration.Try drinking more than the recommended 8 cups a day. I always advise my clients to take their body weight and divide it by 2. I tell them this is the amount of water in (oz ) to aim at drinking each day, if not more.

Now I can understand if you want something fancier than plain old water. Try the following to perk up you water and make it refreshing.

  • Add strawberries
  • Slices of lemon or lime
  • Peppermint leaves
  • Slices of cucumber

You can be creative without adding or creating extra calories. Give it try, no excuses. So drink up… Cheers!