Happy New Year from BFIT!!!- 5 Ways to Detox

Happy New Year!!! Hey guys I know it has been awhile since I last posted. Well I am back and ready to take on the new year with a positive outlook. The first of the year is always an ideal time to set up your new goals and priorities. Many of you may be searching for a way to make a healthy lifestyle change. I believe a detox is a great way to start the year off right and rid your body of toxins. It doesn’t have to be anything complicated. However, you should try to detox a minimum of 3 days or more.

Here are 5 quick ways you can cleanse your body and get started on a new healthy you for 2013.

1. Eat clean, whole and fresh  foods. Eat organic as much as possible. Limit your intake of sugars, refined carbs, processed and packaged foods. Also, try cutting out gluten, dairy, caffeine and alcohol.

2. Increase your water intake. Aim to drink 6-8 glasses of water a day. Try adding a dash of lemon juice to assist with the removal of toxins.

3. Avoid meat and increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables. While detoxing, it is ideal to eat vegetables either raw or steamed.  Try eating a rainbow of foods to ensure you getting a variety of vitamins.

4. Get active. Exercise is key to detoxing. When you sweat it helps the body eliminate toxins.

5. Relax and rest. Try stretching or pick up a yoga class. You may also want to try getting a relaxing massage to help with the detoxing process.

After a period of detoxing, you are guaranteed to feel healthier and have more energy. You are doing something great for yourself. Take control and get started on your detox today.

Happy detoxing,


Some Interesting Fitness Facts…

Here are some interesting fitness facts to help inspire you. Some of them may not come as surprise, yet some may get you off that couch and get moving.

  1. Losing weight starts first in the mind. It is often said…where the mind goes the body will follow.
  2. Understand once fat cells are created, you will not be able to lose them only shrink them.
  3. Between birth and old age, you will walk about 70,000 miles.
  4. To lose a pound you need a 3500 calorie deficit.
  5. Muscle burns fat. If you have a certain amount of muscle on your body you can eat a reasonable diet without gaining weight.
  6. Interval training can help your body become a fat-burning inferno.
  7. If you can’t carry on a conversation while you are exercising, you may be training too hard.
  8. Just because an item is “organic” doesn’t mean it is always good for you.
  9. Just because an item says it is “whole grain” doesn’t mean it is always good for you.
  10. Not all skinny people are healthy.
  11. Exercise is the best stress reliever.
  12. Exercise can boost your bad mood.
  13. If your spouse is active, more than likely you will be active too.
  14. Enriching your diet with omega 3 fatty acids will boost your energy and brainpower.
  15. You are never too old to start a fitness program.
  16. The more you exercise, the more your body learns to burn fat rather than storing it.
  17. The “best time to exercise” is when it works for you.
  18. You are more likely to stick with your workout routine if you have support.
  19. You lose one-half pound of muscle every year after age of 30.  Strength training can help reverse this.
  20. You don’t need a  gym membership to strength train or BFIT (www.bfithouston.com).


More Ways To Stay Motivated …Motivational Monday!

So if you read last week’s blog, I gave you 10 ways to stay motivated to workout. Well, I thought of a few more to add to this list. Again, there are many ways to motivate yourself to exercise, but if your struggling consider these ideas as well. I hope something inspires you to get up and keep it moving.

  1. Think of how great you feel after the workout. Now during it, you probably feel like your going to pass out, however, nothing can beat the workout high after accomplishing a good workout.
  2. Look at it as doing something for you. It is your personal “me time”. You make yourself a priority.
  3. Grab a fitness magazine. Many of the images can inspire you to get active.
  4. Find a blogger who writes about fitness or losing weight. Get inspired by someone who has completely transformed their body and blogged about their experience.
  5. Join a weight loss forum or online group that shares your similar interests.
  6. Give yourself a reward for completing a goal by a certain time frame. For example, a spa pedicure, massage or new clothes.
  7. A good stress reliever. If your stressing, your body is producing cortisol and this in turn creates fat. Combat it and head to the gym.
  8. Place motivational quotes around your house or work. Or better yet, download an app that sends you a motivation message throughout the day.
  9. Compliments! It is always motivating when others start to notice the changes in your body. It makes you want to keep going.
  10. Invest in your health and find a coach or trainer to motivate you. And the best thing is I know the perfect person who can help :)…www.bfithouston.com.

Challenge your body, change your mind and believe you can BFIT!




Never Give Up!

     Today I wanted to do a quick little post to say NEVER GIVE UP! This is a saying I keep on the home screen of my phone at all times.  No matter how rough or tough things are looking…NEVER GIVE UP! You need to keep pressing to the other side. Your break through is closer than you think. In fact when it is the roughest,  it is an indication you are about to experience a breakthrough soon. So whatever you are facing, you must keep pressing through the midst of it all.  I believe somebody needed to hear that. And if it wasn’t a message for you, then pass it to someone you know will be encouraged by it.

Have a happy Sunday and keep pressing my friends!


10 Ways to Stay Motivated to Sweat!

Maintaining consistency in a weight loss program can be challenging at times. Many times you will have to dig deep within to stay motivated and to maintain the course. Remember all things are possible and it starts in the mind. If you believe you can achieve a certain goal it will come to past. Now will it be easy…Ummm, I didn’t say that but keep pressing and you will like what you see on the other side. Here a 10 ways to stay motivated and stay in the game.

  1. Sign up for a Race. Many of us like to challenge ourselves and desire to succeed in competitions. So find a local race in your area and sign up today.
  2. Buy some new workout gear. I must admit a fresh pair of tennis makes me feel like I can run for days. But if that’s not your thing…Get something that you can feel good in and sport while working out.
  3. Buy a new exercise gadget. Find a workout gadget that tracks your calories burned throughout the day from being active. This could motivate you to to beat each day’s calorie goal set.
  4. Find a workout buddy or an accountability partner.  It has been proven that people are more successful when they have accountability to someone or a group. Share your struggles and praises them each day. I use this often and it works.
  5. Design a ipod/mp3 playlist that can keep you pumped up and exercising for 45 min or more.  Don’t stop until the playlist stops. Personally, I love old school music and fast dirty south music. Sometimes I forget I’m working out because I enjoy my music so much.
  6. Blackmail yourself. I know this sounds crazy, but if your tired of looking the same way you have to do something about it. So take a photo in a swimsuit or shirtless(men) and put it on the fridge and make a commitment to transform that body. Or better yet email the photo to friend that can post the pic if you do not show any significant improvement in 12 weeks. Make sure you discuss this with your friend first. I don’t want to see any friendships ruined over this.
  7. Link your exercise to your health. Have you had your cholesterol check lately? Do you know your LDL or HDL levels?  Set a goal to lower your LDL levels(bad cholesterol) and raise HDL(good cholesterol) both which are affected with food and exercise.
  8. Think of exercise as painting a new coat over your body. Each time you exercise you are getting a fresh new coat over the old body.
  9. Schedule a body composition tests every 2 months. This way you will have a clear idea of your progress not only in weight loss but in gaining and losing muscle.
  10. Create a vision board. A vision board can help you mentally to keep your desired body image in front of you for motivation.

Stick with it. Consistency is the key. Don’t give up on yourself. You were made to win!!!



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