Happy New Year from BFIT!!!- 5 Ways to Detox

Happy New Year!!! Hey guys I know it has been awhile since I last posted. Well I am back and ready to take on the new year with a positive outlook. The first of the year is always an ideal time to set up your new goals and priorities. Many of you may be searching for a way to make a healthy lifestyle change. I believe a detox is a great way to start the year off right and rid your body of toxins. It doesn’t have to be anything complicated. However, you should try to detox a minimum of 3 days or more.

Here are 5 quick ways you can cleanse your body and get started on a new healthy you for 2013.

1. Eat clean, whole and fresh  foods. Eat organic as much as possible. Limit your intake of sugars, refined carbs, processed and packaged foods. Also, try cutting out gluten, dairy, caffeine and alcohol.

2. Increase your water intake. Aim to drink 6-8 glasses of water a day. Try adding a dash of lemon juice to assist with the removal of toxins.

3. Avoid meat and increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables. While detoxing, it is ideal to eat vegetables either raw or steamed.  Try eating a rainbow of foods to ensure you getting a variety of vitamins.

4. Get active. Exercise is key to detoxing. When you sweat it helps the body eliminate toxins.

5. Relax and rest. Try stretching or pick up a yoga class. You may also want to try getting a relaxing massage to help with the detoxing process.

After a period of detoxing, you are guaranteed to feel healthier and have more energy. You are doing something great for yourself. Take control and get started on your detox today.

Happy detoxing,


Quick Ideas from a Snack Queen

I love snacking and it is crucial for me to always have the best snacks on hand. It is especially vital to have good healthy snacks between meals if you are trying to lose weight. The point of snacking is help prevent binging or overeating at breakfast, lunch, or dinner. And even if you are not trying to lose weight, snacking is always fun.

I personally don’t always like relying on manufactured snacks. This can become expensive in the long run. It’s always best to create your own snack. Having many different kinds of snacks available helps to avoid boredom.  Here is a list of snacks between 150-200 calories. You can mix them up and come up different combinations. Enjoy!

  • 3 cups of popcorn-Try adding several tablespoons of corn kernels in a brown paper bag and place in the microwave. Listen for the popping to avoid burning, then coat with salt or cinnamon for taste.
  • Small apple and slice of cheese
  • Apple with 1 to 1 1/2 tablespoon of a nut butter(almond, peanut, cashew, or pecan)
  • 40 to 50 unsalted pistachios or 15 almonds, cashews or whole pecans
  • 1/2 apple and 3 oz water-packed tuna
  • Protein shake
  • 2.5 oz grilled chicken breast with celery sticks
  • 2 hard boiled eggs
  • 1/3 cup of trail mix
  • Sliced cucumbers in vinegar
  • 1 cup of edamame beans
  • 8 Wheat Thins with 1oz of cheese
  • Fresh veggies with 1/4 cup of guacamole
  • 1 cup of low fat yogurt with berries
  • 10 to 15 baby carrots or fresh cut veggies with 2 tablespoons hummus
  • 5 ounces of low-fat Greek yogurt with 1 to 2 teaspoons honey or strawberries
  • 1 cup of grapes with 1 ounce of cheese
  • 15 whole grain tortilla chips with guacamole
  • 1 slice of whole wheat bread with nut butter and bananas
  • 1/2 cup of frozen yogurt
  • 2 squares of dark chocolate
  • 2 cups of fruit salad
  • 4 oz of low fat cottage cheese with 3/4 cup of fresh fruit
  • 1 cup strawberries dipped in 1 tablespoon of dark chocolate

5 Ways to Super Charge Your Smoothie

I love smoothies.  It is a convenient way to get in a quick, healthy meal before or after a great workout.  I choose to make my own smoothies because I like knowing every ingredient that is placed in the drink. It also helps me keep track of exactly how many calories I am consuming, especially if I want to splurge with adding milk, nut butters or extra berries.  It’s all under my control.  I enjoy experimenting with new recipe ideas as well. If you are like me, I want my smoothies to keep me full and pack a serious punch.

Here are 5 quicks supplements to boost your smoothie!

1. Flax seed- A great way to add healthy fat (Omega-3), antioxidants, and fiber to your smoothie. Flaxseeds help fight against inflammation in our bodies.  If you buy whole flax seeds make you grind them first or you can purchase already grounded flax seeds.

2. Chia seeds- A superfood that will cut cravings and help you feel full faster.   Also, it is an Omega-3 fatty acid that helps with diabetes and reduces high blood pressure.  Don’t worry you won’t be able to taste they seeds, they take on the taste of whatever you have placed in your smoothie.

3. Greens- Having a hard time eating your veggies, you can sneak them into your smoothie. You can easily get in two to three servings of greens a day. I always choose kale and spinach, however it is up to you. Don’t be afraid, your blender will end up chopping the greens into tiny pieces that you will not be able to even taste it. You can even choose a powdered option of greens. However, I try to consume as much live food as possible.

4. Protein powder- To make your smoothies more filling and to up your protein intake, add a scoop of your favorite protein powder. There are many choices of proteins such as soy, egg, hemp, whey or even rice. It all depends on your nutritional intake.

5.  Bee pollen- An exceptionally nutritious food that is loaded with vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, lipids and protein. Claims have been made that it can enhance energy and athletic performance and even boost memory.

Happy sipping!


The Missing Element…

Could you be missing out on the most simple thing to assist you with your weight loss goals? That simple but yet powerful element of I am speaking of is WATER!!!

Water makes up about 75% of your body and is vital our existence. It is crucial for cellular function at every level in the body. That lovely lean muscle we work at gaining in leui of fat, is predominantly water. When the muscles are adequately hydrated, the muscles look toned and it increases your body’s ability to burn fat. This is a win-win situation here.

You must understand that weight loss can not occur unless you drink a sufficient amount of water. Drinking water throughout the day, keeps you hydrated and alert.   Make it a habit  at every meal. Sometimes, when you think you are hungry, it simply the body wanting and craving water. Water helps to suppress the appetite and blunts cravings.

Personally, I would say 99% percent of the time water is my drink of choice. I am always armed and ready with my water bottles like I am going to combat. I am serious about my water intake. I prefer to eat my calories rather than waste them away drinking some sugary liquid that is not good for me. It is a part of who I am and when I don’t have it, I know something is missing. My water bottle is never far away.

Losing weight and maintaining weight loss depends on adequate hydration.Try drinking more than the recommended 8 cups a day. I always advise my clients to take their body weight and divide it by 2. I tell them this is the amount of water in (oz ) to aim at drinking each day, if not more.

Now I can understand if you want something fancier than plain old water. Try the following to perk up you water and make it refreshing.

  • Add strawberries
  • Slices of lemon or lime
  • Peppermint leaves
  • Slices of cucumber

You can be creative without adding or creating extra calories. Give it try, no excuses. So drink up… Cheers!